Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jonathan Winters on Dean Martin Roasts Frank Sinatra


We're bringing you in to our blog, this entertaining blog about Jonathan coming on to Frank  Sinatra. As you might not know, Jonathan Winters doesn't have a script, in fact he never did he didn't like the writers they were never funny enough for him so he always went up there and winged it. This is an example of that, he went up there and had them in hysterics and you will too. Enjoy the video and have a good week.

-From Bill Gardner's Assistant

Make sure to check out Confessions of a Hollywood agent, a book about Hollywood during the 50s and 60s. Look into it especially if you're into old Hollywood.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Book about Hollywood during the 50s & 60s

[caption id="attachment_178" align="alignright" width="300"]Hollywood novel 50s 60s Confessions of a Hollywood Agent[/caption]

“Find out, or guess, who the characters are. You’ll be surprised!”

With characters such as Elvis Presley, jfk, Mafia’s Meyer Lansky gangster, Fidel Castro, Porfirio Rubirosa, Nathan the Hollywood God-father, Godchild of Hitler and so many more!

A Hollywood Novel you won’t wan’t to miss