Friday, September 13, 2013

The success of Marylin Monroe, as featured by these photos

Marylin Monroe

Marylin Monroe and JFK
JFK looking away as Marylin Monroe goes backstage during his birthday after having sung him Happy Birthday at New York, where Bobby joined them.
Many men were taken by her, but the amazing part is that she ended up with the one of our presidents JFK and his brother Bobby, they both had her and were nervous about her because they both couldn't marry her. Unfortunately she wanted to marry but it just couldn't happen, and that made her very nervous by the end of her life and she was gone by age 36.
Confessions of a Hollywood Agent
Marylin Monroe and Louis Calhern in "Asphalt Jungle"
Asphalt Jungle, where Marylin Monroe played a minor but key role, and it helped make her a star. John Huston was the director.
Marilyn Monroe skirt Confessions Hollywood
Marylin Monroe's Iconic scene in "The Seven Year Itch"
Marylin Monroe in Misfits Confessions Hollywood book
Marlyin Monroe Clark Gabol and in "The Misfits"
Marylin was unhappy at that time with that movie she was doing that with John Huston. He had trouble getting her on set when we wanted her, it was hard for everyone. I cant say it killed Clark, but he died from the movie.
[youtube=] Marylin Monroe's last movie never got finished, it was called "Something's Got To Give." This is one of the scenes from that movie, this is rare footage. In the end she had too many problems to deal with.
Jonathan Winters
Norman Rockwell The Saturday Evening Post, Jonathan Winters as an Indian
-Signed to me
In the 60's John was always talking about fishing, and I said to him lets go up to where I come from Northern Minnesota, Bemidji. I come from that part of the worlds, and its a hundred miles from the border to Ontario and its a great place to fish. We had 3 huge Indian reservations in that community. John is always admired the Indians and was always fair to them and liked to make them laugh, do i got an invitation from the chief of the tribe and he let us come in to fish on the reservation, which they usually never let anyone in. But because of him we both got in and we got out there  on the lake, Jonathan was bringing them and and I was, the boat was filling up with fish, Walleyed Pike. I said Jonathan looks like we have something going for us, this is the lake that nobody gets on but the Indians and they treated us to the best, we would never forget that day I've never had an experience like that where we could catch so many fish going just simply across a shallow fishing spot which is over by the sand.
One of the Indians brought up the fish and cleaned them and gave us to take home where we put them on a big huge fry with all of my relatives and friends that we knew in Bemidji, so we had something to remember. Jonathan was having the best day and so was I. Jonathan decided to make the picture dressed up as an Indian, I think he enjoyed it, and then he gave it to me.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

50's & 60's: Confessions of a Hollywood Agent

The 50's and 60's were a very interesting time, however there are many stories yet left to be told. It will will take you an an adventure all the way from the white house (where you will run into some JFK) to Cuba where Meyer Lansky had control over the gambling, to Hollywood and all of its famous stars. Taking place during the same time era as stars such as Marylin Monroe, Jane Russell, Errol Flynn, Porfirio Rubirosa, Elvis Presley (read the untold story about his rejection), the novel will keep you turning the pages. 

Hollywood novel 50s 60s
Confessions of a Hollywood Agent

Rolls Royce Phantom
Me in a Rolls Royce Phantom outside of Marion Davis' house.

William Hearst and Marion

Jane Russell
By the way, the bra that Howard Hughes supposedly created for Jane was fake, in reality she would place Kleenex's over her boobs and everybody thought it was a classic.

Jonathan Winters Mickey Rooney
In the 60′s with the two great comedians Jonathan Winters an Mickey Rooney on a set in Hollywood. Check out my Novels, The Games End about elephants and the people in Africa, the Confessions of a Hollywood Agent about Hollywood in the 50′s and 60′s.

Eroll Flynn went to join Castro in Cuba, before Castro took over. Ernest Hemingway who put down Eroll Flynn and said that he was on the wrong side f the war in Spain and he came now to out down Ernest who said bad things about him. That's why they ended up there at that time. Also the big Formula 1 race in Havannah where all my characters ended up for the big race[/caption]

Elvis Presley, who in my book ends up being rejected, check out the untold story.

Marylin Monroe and Jane Russell at the Chinese Theater opening for the movie Gentlemen prefer Blondes.

Porfirio Rubirosa
Porfirio Rubirosa with Zsa Zsa Gabor. She made the best of him, but Rubi had already married two of the richest women in the World, Barbara Hutton heiress to the Woolworth fortune, and Doris Duke the heiress of Tobacco and Duke University. All the ladies that he had were in for the fun and he got the money. Check him out in Confessions of a Hollywood Agent.

John F Kennedy and the family

Meyer Lansky who controlled all of the gambling in Cuba

Errol Flynn
Errol Flynn was a movie star with lots of charm. Loved women and ended up with a 15 yr old, but he died before he married her. Lots of adventure in his life and lots of great movies.

The White House.


Moe Dalitz
Moe Dalitz, the old bootlegger and gaming operator from Ohio, and a group had taken over the casino at the Nacional from Meyer Lansky when Meyer built his new Havana Riviera, a 440 room hotel casino.

hotel-nacional-de-cuba Havana
This is the one that was copied from the breakers in Palm Beach, it was the same architect that did it in Havana.The formula 1 race took place in front where Formula 1 World Champion Fango was kidnapped an not able to race that day.